
What is a story without a central backdrop? I don't know, but if I did I'd probably have a better analogy to use for this opening line. Plus I wouldn't have reused this opener near verbatim from the Tough Breaker site.

But much like it's college based brother series, Hi-Striker takes place mostly within a small, upstate New York town nestled up in the mountains.

Ringlington, New York

Founded as a shanty town in the 19th Century by folks who got mixed up directions to the Westward Gold Rush, the failed goldpanners stuck together in their folly and turned this makeshift town on the fringes of the then unnamed Arcadia Valley River into a thriving community of it's own. And over the years it would grow into the epicenter of business and pleasure in the Stonehale County region. Some say it's size can even rival that of Midtown Manhattan!

Points of Interest (In No Particular Order of Importance):
  • Alter Tower Apts.: Home of Ace and friends
  • LuBelle Boxing Club & Gym:
  • Ringlington Hyper Dome: Big home to big sporting events. MMA, Pro Wrestling, Basketball, Baseball, Arena Football. It's all be played under the dome!
  • Ringlington Beachfront/Ringlington Transit Center North: Public beache and park, home to many festivals, events, etc, as well as a Major hub for transportation in, out and around Ringlington.
  • The Sweetheart Home: Ace's childhood home and where his mom n' pop live.
  • Gianni's Garage: Local auto garage. Johnny works there, obviously
  • The Charles Bell Memorial Library: Local library (NO DUH) where Janet and Lu-Lu work
  • 7 Star Arms. Apts.: Specialty housing for new Meltzer recruits who might not have their own place to live
  • Ringlington Transit Center South: Same as the North one, but South Style
  • Red TaĆ­no Coqui: Cortez's house in the woods. A watermill that the LuBelle family once called their home before moving closer into town.
  • Jacobs Multiplex 19: Movie theater, notably where Victoria works
  • Out of Bounds (Woods, I Guess): Colvig Island, an abandoned island that's half the size of Ringlington that used to be inhabited by the town's more well to do folks.
  • Out of Bounds (Star): The Meltzer Trust Global HQ, the main base of The Meltzer Trust's operations.
  • Out of Bounds (M): The Maximilian Cross Estate, Maximilian's private residence.