The Meltzer Trust

Of course...that's the public facing image of the Trust.

Their humanitarian efforts are indeed real and honest. But behind closed doors and in hushed whispers, there's a secret side of the Trust that the public doesn't need to know about...That is, unless you're a Carnie.

Moxie Research

From day one, the Trust had a secret objective known to it's founding members: To research and study the latent aura known as Moxie, find Carnies who might be harboring this energy and to put a stop to anyone who might be using this power for nefarious purposes.

And aside from the occasional rumors of The Trust having some sort of 'Supernatural Research' Derpartment leaking out, they've managed to keep their Moxie work under wraps. So much so they've managed to evade every major world government to continue their secret battles and research to this very day.

This objective can be traced back to main founding member and namesake of the Trust, Davidson B. Meltzer the 2nd. Meltzer had known of Moxie for much of his life, and after having fought in WW2, he worried about what could happen should an era of widespread Moxie users come to be. Could Moxie lead to a new war? Perhaps he was overly paranoid following the War, but he still felt this drive to maintain some semblence of balance. And thankfully, he found others with this same drive.

And the rest, as they say, is history.

The Star System

An iconic part of the Meltzer uniform is the signatre Star pins, usually adorned to the brim of a Trust member's cap. More than a sleek fashion accessory, they're a signafier of one's status within the Trust as Davidson was known rate anything and everything on a scale of 1 to 5 stars. But if he felt truly special about something, then they could be rated 6 or even 7 stars!

So as one would expect, a Trust member with 1 star is typically just starting out, with 7 stars meaning they're a veteran within the Trust. As for how to increase your rating, it's all about abiding by the code of the Trust and going beyond the call of duty while out on the field.

FUN FACT: The Meltzer name and use of a Star rating system is indeed a reference to Dave Meltzer and the Wrestling Observer.

Don't be too surprised. Pro Wrestling was literally born from the Circus. And what is prominantly featured in Circuses? That's right. Clowns.

It's a full circle thing I tell ya.

And yeah, the Trust is basically the Speedwagon Foundation in JoJo's.