Clown Physiology

The thing about Clowns in the Strikerverse is that they're Human. But also not? But they are...It's a roundabout way of saying that Strikerverse Clowns and Human DNA is very, very, VERY similar because I'm not clever enough to think of an entirely unique species.
So here's a shortlist of features that come with Clown Physiology in the Strikerverse.
-Clowns are a naturally tall species. In reality, the average size of an adult male human is roughly 5'5", give or take. For Clowns, the average is 6'5".
As a quick sidebar, the shortest character at the moment in H-S is 6'3", with the tallest standing at 8'5".
-The most common features of Clowns are the white face, colorful makeup and big red nose. As such, these features come organically with Strikerverse Clowns.
Most Clowns have white face/heads from above the nape of the neck/jawline, colorful face marks that act as family birthmarks that match colors with hair, eyes and a Clown's big honkin' nose, you get the gist of it.
Something worth noting is Albinism in the Strikerverse. It exists, but it’s much more different from how you might expect it to work. Whereas real Albinism makes one’s skin pale as a ghost, Strikerverse Albinism has the affected party not have the standard white face. Shocking!
-Aside from the white face and such, there's a number of other physical quirks that a Clown may be born with. These include, but are not limited to: Horns, Pointed/Elf Ears, Retro Cartoon/Pac-Man eyes, sharp Shark-like teeth, big tengu-esque noses and more classic Clown quirks like smaller button-like noses, big eyebrows or cartoon-ish buck teeth.
-Might as well mention it here: Clown blood n' guts are color coded. EX., Ace’s main color is pink, so his blood n' guts are colored accordingly. And yes, this was inspired by Homestuck. But we're not doing the caste system shit, that's whack asf.
-Not entirely sure if this counts as Physiology, but I don't know when I'll be able to bring these up. Here's two medical conditions that you can find in the Strikerverse.
Wright Syndrome: Named after famed deadpan Comedian Steven Wright, Clowns diagnosed with Wright Syndrome are permanently deadpan, unable to show proper emotion outside of their tired and lethargic speech patterns.
Cumfetti: I's all there in the title, isn't it? I'm not even gonna bother to think of some kind of smart science-y name. Just...Yeah. Some Clowns spurt confetti when they crack one off.
Look, the Hi-Striker cast is well above the age of 20. I can put this shit in if I want.